In a dark room on a Monday night, members of black metal band Liturgy look more like second year art students than metal enthusiasts. Guitarist/vocalist Hunter Hunt-Hendrix has an angelic face, making his demonic wails that much more interesting.

"My ears aren't ringing yet. That's a problem!" Humanity Falls' guitarist shouted from the crowd, as Liturgy prepared to shake the Lit Lounge headbangers.

The New York band's sound is odd and spacious, like that of Krallice and Wolves in the Throne Room. Only some seconds into their set, the basement became a chamber-like space but the band's anger still put an eerie distance between the crowd and their instruments. At the close of an arm hair-raising performance, Hendrix broke a string. After several pleas for one more song, he restrung and Liturgy dove right back into their winding, melancholy melodies.

Liturgy's newest work, 'Renihilation,' will be released in October via 20 Buck Spin. The band will also be embarking on a tour covering the eastern half of the U.S. in early September.

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