Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe: ‘Maybe One Day’ I’ll Run for Public Office
Lamb of God's Randy Blythe is one of metal's great pontificators. Although he is highly critical of politics, namely the corruption within the system, he has not ruled out the idea of one day running for public office on a local level.
In 2012, the singer officially ran for President in a tongue-in-cheek move that ultimately served to highlight his displeasure with the candidates for the then upcoming presidential election cycle. In a recent interview with Kerrang!, Blythe mentioned his faux bid "was to show the ridiculousness and corruption in campaign finance."
Firmly grounded in reality, the Lamb of God growler went on to take a shot at the current administration headed by President Trump. "I'm not going to win the presidency — although I do think I'd do a better job than the idiot we've got in office right now — but would I ever run for public office? That's an interesting question," he said when asked about the possibility of a genuine political run.
For Blythe, it would have to be the ideal role and likely after his days grinding it out on the road are over. "It would depend on the office and it would depend how long from now the election took place," he said, recognizing, "You can't run for office when you're in a touring band because you need to be at home for your constituents."
"But I would consider running for public office in a local position where I could make an immediate impact on the environment," he added, keeping his options open when he expressed, "I don't know, maybe one day."
Lamb of God's upcoming self-titled album will be released on May 8 and their full live performance from last year's Resurrection Fest has recently been uploaded and can be viewed directly below.
Lamb of God, Live at Resurrection Fest (2019)
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