Update: Kid Rock + Ted Nugent New Song ‘Kiss My Rebel Ass’ Story Is Fake
Update: While legitimate news sites picked up on this story, the source for this article turned out to be a satirical news site. Kid Rock and Ted Nugent have not made plans to record a song together.
You really think you'd heard the last from Kid Rock on this whole Confederate Flag situation? Once a protest group goes after an artist's beliefs and is met with a response of "kiss my a--," you know the battle isn't over. Thus, Kid Rock has teamed up with fellow user of Confederate flag imagery Ted Nugent for a new track called "Kiss My Rebel Ass."
The connection between Kid Rock's harsh response to Confederate Flag protestors and the "Kiss My Rebel Ass" song title is obvious. Teaming with Ted Nugent for the track also points to something else glaringly obvious: Kid Rock is not afraid to stir up some controversy.
Ted Nugent actually contacted Kid Rock after hearing about the flag situation, which sparked the collaboration. "When you get a text from the Nuge, you know you've done something right," Rock told WWJ Newsradio 950 during an appearance with Nugent. Kid Rock went on to describe the song as "a love letter to the South and a middle finger to the PC establishment."
Nugent added, "Rock 'n' roll ain't supposed to be nice — it's supposed to hit you upside the head with a tire iron, and that is exactly what this song does." [via Blabbermouth]
Though the Confederate flag has been a controversial image for well over a century, the discussion of its legitimacy became public debate yet again after the tragic Charleston shooting last month. The killing of nine black individuals was allegedly carried out by white supremacist Dylann Roof, who was pictured holding the Confederate flag shortly before the massacre. On Friday, the Confederate flag was removed from South Carolina's Capitol grounds.
Stay tuned for audio of Kid Rock and Ted Nugent's "Kiss My Rebel Ass" once the track is released as an instant download
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