Journey Guitarist Neil Schon Sued By Tareq Salahi for $50 Million
Journey's Neil Schon isn't just a classic rock guitarist with an epic hairline, he's a homewrecker. But that's not coming from us, just ask D.C. socialite and 'Real Houswives' star Tareq Salahi. The silent but deadly serious wine merchant claims the Journey axe man stole his lady, White House gatecrasher Michaele, and that their secret relationship has caused Tareq's reputation irreparable damage. So now he's suing for a whopping $50 million.
Schon and his 'Resonate' video costar Michaele sat down on the 'Today' show couch this morning to plead their case, and establish once and for all what their love is all about.
"I left that day not with plans to be gone forever," Salahi says of her soon-to-be ex-husband. "Our relationship was very controlled by Tareq. Anyone that watched the show, or even spent 24 hours with Tareq and I, knew what I had been through. That day I reached (out), Neal and I had been friends since the '90s, and I just wanted to be with someone that would help me sort through everything in my head. I didn't return because I couldn't endure anymore of what I had been through."
Tareq Salahi's lawsuit states that his wife has been leading a double-life for years, and that she and new beau Schon were attempting to "completely defame" him. Michaele has refused to speak about the couple's split until now, even though her husband openly called her a "groupie slut," on the very same morning show several months ago. And the word slinging isn't getting any prettier.
Schon seemed undoubtedly nervous about the looming lawsuit, but its his blonde bitty that's keeping up the fight.
"I recognize [Tareq's] pain," she says. "But when you're in an abusive controlling relationship, there is someone that is hurting, and that (was) me. So, when there are two people, the pain should have been kept private ... it's something that should have been between us. There doesn't need to be a $50 million lawsuit."
Watch Neil and Michaele on 'Today'
Journey Guitarist Is Being Sued
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