We Came as Romans Cancel Concert Mid-Show After Beef With Security, Issue Statement
We Came as Romans were set to perform in Providence, Rhode Island last night, but the band never took the stage. This was the result of an incident that allegedly took place earlier in the evening between security and fans that led the group and their touring cohorts to eventually cancel the rest of the evening's performances.
The group was set to play the Fete Music Hall in Providence, when the alleged incident occurred during the set of one of the opening bands, Bodysnatcher. The current tour also includes Archetypes Collide and Emmure as well as We Came as Romans.
In their statement, the band explains, "Our show in Providence, RI last night had to be canceled. During Bodysnatcher's set, multiple attendees were wrongfully & aggressively dragged out of the venue. Some of our touring crew went outside to de-escalate the situation with security, as we had approved moshing & crowd surfing with the venue & security teams during a security brief earlier that day."
They allege, "The security team did not respond well, & the situation escalated further, even to the point of spitting in our crew's faces, spitting on gear, threatening physical violence & someone having to be physically restrained."
With the issues seemingly unable to be resolved, the band wrote, "Out of an abundance of caution for the protection of all of the fans, our own touring party (all 4 bands & crew), & the venue staff - all parties agreed that the best move was to cancel the show. We can't tell you how disappointed we are that we were not able to play."
They conclude their statement, noting, "Refunds are available at your point of purchase. We would like to thank Bowery Presents for being great partners, and do not want this to reflect on them at all. This situation reflects only on house security of the venue & venue management's lack of accountability."
READ MORE: Megadeth's Dave Mustaine Ejects Members of Security for 'Bullying' Fan at Show
The tour will continue on this week, with their next show scheduled for Tuesday (Oct. 24) in Albany, New York at Empire Live. They've also got shows in Harrisburg, Pa. (Oct. 25, HMAC), Norfolk, Va. (Oct. 27, Norva), Carrboro, N.C. (Oct. 28, Cat's Cradle) and Columbia, S.C. (Oct. 29, The Senate) scheduled for later this week. The band is currently touring in support of their Darkbloom album.