Company Band Drummer Doesn’t Mind Being Called a Supergroup
A 'supergroup' is a clichéd, hackneyed term in rock lore, but for the Company Band drummer Jess Margera, it's not such a bad thing. In fact, as a longtime fan of the musicians he is currently seated amongst, it's actually a badge of honor.
"It's my supergroup, though," Margera told Noisecreep. TCB, which features members of Fu Manchu, Clutch and Fireball Ministry in addition to Margera -- whose main gig is with CKY -- is something that is a dream come true for Margera. "I have looked up to these dudes for ages, since high school. Once you get down to working with them, it's like 'Cool, let's make a sick ass record.'
"That initial fanboy-ness went away. I can't think, 'Hey, I am jamming with my heroes' or I'd get sidetracked and start messing up! It's definitely exciting as hell. If you had asked me when I was 16 years old what band I would want to be in, I would have definitely said it would have been made up of members of Fu Manchu, Fireball and Clutch!"
The Company Band's self-titled debut will hit the shelves today.