Watch Charlie Benante Lay Down Drums For New Anthrax Demo
Work on the next Anthrax album continues and the latest update on the band's progress comes courtesy of Charlie Benante, who posted a video clip of him laying down some drum parts for a new demo recording.
It's been five years since the 'Big 4' icons released For All Kings, their 11th studio album, and the band's members have been vocal about writing a follow-up for a couple years now. Although Anthrax have not been terribly prolific over the last decade, fans have been rewarded handsomely for their patience, be it the strength of the latest record or the sterling Joey Belladonna era comeback, 2011's Worship Music.
With Benante picking up the sticks to put some ideas down for a demo, it's a promising sign that Anthrax remain focused on what will be their 12th record.
In the video clip toward the bottom of the page, the drummer is seen "beating the beat down for a new demo," and, if you really have some time on your hands, this gives you the opportunity to write some music over the drum parts to create your own sort of "new" Anthrax song. Some YouTuber very well may have already begun to attempt this.
Even if the next Anthrax record was finished today, odds are fans will not hear the album until the end of the coronavirus pandemic is in sight and bands can get back on tour.
"For me, to put a record out in a vacuum, it makes no sense to me. I'm not gonna put a record out and not play proper gigs — I'm not gonna do that. So we have to be patient — everyone has to be patient," said guitarist Scott Ian in October.
"That's where I am personally right at this moment," Ian reiterated a couple weeks later, "but six months from now, who knows where the world is going to be? We don't know. Maybe things will be closer to being back to normal. Maybe they will be further away from back to normal. Nobody has an answer to this, so anytime someone asks me about [when the album will be out], I really don't have an answer."
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