Next week San Diego death metal dealers Carnifex will be releasing 'Until I Feel Nothing,' their fourth studio album. Produced by As I Lay Dying vocalist Tim Lambesis, the follow-up to 2010's 'Hell Chose Me' is easily the group's most ferocious record yet.

Besides its blinding flurry of guitars and drums, 'Until I Feel Nothing' also features a collection of haunting lyrics from vocalist Scott Lewis. Noisecreep caught up with Lewis last week and asked him if he would ever consider taking the next logical step up and writing a novel and/or a screenplay.

"I'm not sure if I could ever sit down and work on a book. I'm a pretty slow writer and I like to take my time getting things right. It takes me a while to look at one of my songs and be happy with the lyrics before I finish it. I haven't written lyrics with anyone else before, so I can't compare the way I work with anything. But I feel like I'm on the slower side. I'm so hard on myself. It becomes a tedious process for me to write," says Lewis.

Watch a Lyric Video for 'Dead But Dreaming' From Carnifex

"I think we have a core group of fans that have truly identified with our lyrics and the identity of the band. With a lot of other groups that are doing well within our scene, they might have gorier lyrics than we do, but there's nothing really deep there. Not to take anything away from them, because that's all fun and there's a place for that, but I think our fans have found more in our lyrics than those other bands offer a lot of times."

'Until I Feel Nothing' features Lewis' most intense vocal performances yet. Noisecreep asked the frontman if he's run into any trouble keeping his voice in shape these past few years. "I don't feel like I've had any negative health issues come out of my singing style. It's been almost seven years in Carnifex and a few years singing in other bands before that. I've never ran into any health problems related to my vocals.

"I actually feel like I'm getting better at it. I tracked my vocals this past August and I had an easy time doing them. Sometimes you get under the weather with something like a sinus cold and that wears on you. But I haven't had any long-term issues."

To celebrate Carnifex's release of 'Until I Feel Nothing' Noisecreep has partnered with Victory Records for a killer giveaway! Win a rare vinyl test press copy of Carnifex's 'Hell Chose Me,' plus 'Until I Feel Nothing' swag, by tweeting @Noisecreep why you deserve the prize. Include the hashtag #untilifeelnothing to qualify. We'll pick one winner and make the announcement next Tuesday, Oct. 24th, the day of their album's release.

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