Black Veil Brides have cancelled a string of European tour dates (information below) following the death of singer Andy Biersack's grandfather, the band has announced.

"I feel it is necessary for my own grief and heart that I take this time to attend his funeral and celebrate his life with my family and loved ones before I head back into the studio to resume work on our next record," Biersack said in a statement.

"We promise to make up any dates missed the next time we are in this part of the world," he added. "We would like to thank Motley Crue and Slash for having us on tour with was truly a dream come true."

"Thank you so much for understanding," Biersack said in closing. "I love you all very much and will see you again soon."

The canceled dates are as follows:

June 18 -- Paris, France @ Le Zenith with Motley Crue

June 20 -- Bamberg, Denmark @ Stechert Arena with Motley Crue and Slash

June 21 -- Basel, CH @ St Jakobshalle with Motley Crue and Slash

JUne 22 -- Strasbourg, France @ La Laiterie

June 23 -- Milan, Italy @ GODS OF METAL

June 24 -- Dessel, Belgium @ Graspop Festival

Watch Black Veil Brides' "Rebel Love Song" Video

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