D.X. Ferris

‘Game of Thrones,’ Season 3: Episode 4 Recap
Game of Thrones, HBO's prestige drama set in a medieval world of magic, is metal as hell. It has more longhairs in leather than the Waken and Roadburn festivals combined.
So, to that end, every Monday, Noisecreep brings you Heavy Metal Game of Thrones Recaps...

‘Game of Thrones,’ Season 3: Episode 3 Recap
Game of Thrones, HBO's prestige drama set in a medieval world of magic, is metal as hell. It's full of longhaired guys and has more leather than a Judas Priest concert.
So, to that end, every Monday, Noisecreep brings you Heavy Metal Game of Thrones Recaps...

‘Game of Thrones,’ Season 3: Episode 2 Recap
Game of Thrones, HBO's prestige drama set in a medieval world of magic, is metal as hell. It's full of longhaired guys and has more leather than a Judas Priest concert.
So, to that end, every Monday, Noisecreep brings you Heavy Metal Game of Thrones Recaps...

‘Game of Thrones,’ Season 3: Episode 1 Recap
Game of Thrones Season 3 debuted on HBO last night. Even following the success of the Lord of the Rings movies, it's still a minor surprise that the epic faux-medieval fantasy series is one of TV's biggest buzz shows, appointment television right up there with Mad Men and Walking Dead...

Heavy Metal Beers: Porters for the Criminally Insane
British heavy metal veterans Iron Maiden just announced their own brand of beer, an upscale English ale named 'The Trooper' after the band's iconic song (and poster, which provides the artwork). It's just one of a half-dozen hard rock-based brews announced in recent weeks...

St. Patrick’s Day Massacre: 10 Killer Celtic Hard Rock & Metal Tunes
St. Patrick's Day is one of the biggest party days of the year. And music, of course, is the most important mood setter for any party. Whether you're spending the holiday hunting the Hawk of Achill or tossing back Bushmills, here are ten tunes to make it a little more green - or black...