Asking Alexandria

Screamy Sumerian Records band Asking Alexandria -- who recently crossed the pond for good, relocating from their native U.K. to New Jersey of all places -- go nuts in the video for 'Final Episode (Let's Change the Channel).' Splicing performance footage with shoots of beverages splashing out of their cups, the vid is frenetic, capturing the energy that this band is quickly becoming recognized for.

"Shooting the music video was definitely one of the hardest things we have done in a while," guitarist Ben Bruce told Noiscreep. "Five very unfit kids from England being told to rock out at 150 percent of our capabilities is definitely more of a challenge than it sounds ... especially sober!"

Bruce continued, "Blood, sweat, tears and lots of dirt in our eyes made for a long and tiring day. Not to mention we had to play a show right after the shoot! All the hard work was definitely worth it though, and the video came out perfect. It really captured the mood and feel of not only the song, but of the whole album!"

See if you can keep count of how many times the singer Danny Worsnop barks "Oh ... my ... God" in the chorus. The band's album, 'Stand Up and Scream' is in stores now.

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