1,500-Year-Old Sword Found in Swedish Lake by Young Girl Named Saga
If you were seeking inspiration for the start of a new fantasy fiction novel, the discovery of an Iron Age sword in a Swedish lake by a young girl named Saga sounds like enough to at least get you through the first couple pages. This story, however, is true.
While vacationing with her family at Lake Vidösten in southern Sweden in July, eight-year-old Saga Vanecek hoisted a newly-unearthed sword above her head, exclaiming, "DADDY! I FOUND A SWORD!" This is how her father, Andy Vacenek, recalled the scene in a post on Facebook (seen below), detailing the event. He described that on July 15, Saga had "stumbled upon something special in the muddy clay on the bottom" of the lake.
The following day, an archaeologist arrived, returning the weapon, which had not been in the air in over 1,000 years, to the water to ensure it did not decompose. In the post, it was also revealed that experts believe the sword to be 1,500 years old and from the Iron Age, pre-dating Viking history.
"I was outside in the water, throwing sticks and stones and stuff to see how far they skip, and then I found some kind of stick," Saga told Sweden's The Local, before stating that it wasn't until she noticed that it had a handle and a rusty point that she realized what was in her hands was not a mere stick. The sword is said to be made of wood, leather and metal and measures 85 centimeters in length.
"Why it has come to be there, we don't know. When we searched a couple of weeks ago, we found another prehistoric object; a brooch from around the same period as the sword, so that means – we don't know yet – but perhaps it's a place of sacrifice," said Mikael Nordström of the Jönköpings Läns Museum. "At first we thought it could be graves situated nearby the lake, but we don't think that any more."
Watch a news report on her incredible find below.
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