The fine folks at the O'Keefe Music Foundation are constantly serving up heartwarming and inspiring videos that make us all feel good about the future of heavy music. The latest all-kid cover song from the non-profit organization is a floor-punching version of the classic Korn song "Blind," sung by a 10-year-old.

Covering Korn offers a myriad of challenges for a band whose members range in age from 10 to 17. The nu-metal pioneers so expertly mixed funk, rap and hip-hop with an innovative style of rhythmic heavy metal and flashes of new wave influences, meaning the musicians on this cover have to possess a dynamic skillset to properly pull this one off.

As we've seen time and time again, whoever is present in the O'Keefe Music Foundation cover is up to the challenge, and this time it's a 10-year-old singer and lead guitarist of the same age in addition to three 17-year-olds on rhythm guitar, drums and bass.

This youngster singer might not have the same imposing vocal presence of Jonathan Davis, but he's got a nervous energy to his performance that gives off the same unsettling vibe.

Visually, this cover of "Blind" finds a clever wash to mesh COVID safety protocols in a way that doubles as an entertaining at the top of the music video — gas masks, Tyvek chemical suits and even an unmasked singer quarantined in a cage. It's intentionally over the top, just like so much of the rock and metal we all love.

Watch the kids play Korn's "Blind" in the music video at the bottom of the page. To learn more about the O'Keefe Music Foundation, which offers free music lessons, camps, recording and music video sessions and more for young musicians the world over, head here.

O'Keefe Music Foundation — Korn "Blind" Lineup

Vocals: Colt Shedden (age 10)
Lead Guitar: Xander Markewich (age 10) Follow on Instagram
Rhythm Guitar: Alex Sutherland (age 17)
Drums: Jacob Wehn (age 17) Follow on Instagram
Bass: Noah Williams (age 17)

Kids Cover Korn's "Blind" — O'Keefe Music Foundation

The Top 50 Korn Songs


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