Though they have yet to release their debut album, We Are Defiance already have the kind of loyal fan base most bands take years to develop. Hailing from Central Florida, the sextet blends both melodic and growled vocals with hardcore breakdowns and anthemic choruses. It's no wonder their live shows are already spectacles of sweaty mosh pits and massive sing-alongs. We Are Defiance will be heading out on the I Heard it First tour with Oh, Sleeper and Like Moths to Flames. We won't be surprised if the young act ends up stealing the show from time to time.

We Are Defiance will be releasing their debut album, 'Trust In Few,' on March 29th via Tragic Hero Records. Instead of making you wait until next week, the band has teamed up with Noisecreep for an exclusive premiere of 'The Weight of the Sea,' a track from the forthcoming album produced by Tom Denney (A Day to Remember).

Listen to 'The Weight of the Sea'

We Are Defiance vocalist Brian Calzini recently told Noisecreep about the inspiration behind 'The Weight of the Sea':

"It was one of the last songs that was written vocally for the album. During the recording process, I had been going through a tough time with a relationship I was in. The song is about any relationship or friendship where you feel like you're getting walked on and you're not expected to stand up for yourself. It's also about overcoming people in your life that cause you pain or heartache. I guess it's about moving forward."

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