"A book can be / Imagination but misread / Hundreds of minds wronged / One writer is strong"

Finally! It takes a metal song like The Eyes of a Traitor's 'Misconceptions' to reveal the shamefully popular sham known as the 'The Da Vinci Code.' Or is he talking about 'Harry Potter?' Because I still haven't been able to find Hogwart's. Maybe scanning the booklet for 'A Clear Perception' will reveal more.

Well, okay. That misses the mark. The band makes it clear it's about this lyric is about the Holy Bible. "[It's about] how a few writers of these scripts from long ago have basically fueled the minds of millions in today," says the band. "When it has to be realised, a few writers had imaginations just like writers today. The fact is we can't meet these people or discuss this with them therefore we can never know the true meaning behind the book, yet people insist on living by it, when really, they know nothing about it."

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