Things are going headbangingly well in the Metallica camp these days. Drummer Lars Ulrich told Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet while at the Metallica HQ in Northern California that there is a good vibe in the band after their 'Death Magnetic' tour. Maybe it's the vibe all those top-level metal bands Metallica took on the road with them that's rubbing off?

"Previously, Metallica would hang us by the throat when we came home from a mammoth world tour, but this time it's different," the skins smasher said about the tension and interpersonal dynamics that once defined 'Tallica. "Therefore it does not appear to be a long time before we start work on a new album. I think we'll be ready in March and April -- when the creative process reaches a boil we'll go into the studio."

One only need to go as far back as 'Some Kind of Monster' to see the inner workings of the 'Tallica camp! But now, things are all good. The members have grown up even more and are grounded thanks to their familial ties.

"We really enjoy it now," Ulrich said about the band's mood. "It has helped in our relationship that we all have families and that we have children who work well together. There were some bad years when we never really talked together, we just hopped in a vodka bottle and went out to look for ladies. It meant we did not share our feelings with each other. Today we talk a lot about our children and our families, and it has helped that we have something else to talk about than what setlist is tonight."

Watch Metallica's 'Enter Sandman' Video

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