Some people will do anything to be famous. Okay, that's not really fair, since Falcone Heene was at the middle of a stunt orchestrated by his parents, where they claimed their son had floated away in a makeshift hot air balloon in 2009 at the age of 6. He had no choice in the matter and was an innocent victim. Now he's back in the public eye and victimizing our ears with Heene Boyz, his "metal" band. He is the singer and guitarist.

Check out video below for their song "Candy Cane," which sounds like it was recorded in an echo chamber. Or "Latte Vampiress," which we know he couldn't have written. What kid his age is talking coffee and goth chicks? He can't be watching that much Twilight.

Perhaps his parents, who used him as a pawn in a national news story, are goading him into making music that's supposed to sound like a 9-year-old's take on Black Sabbath? Or maybe Falcon really does dig metal and this is a genuine attempt. His name certainly sounds like that of a metal musician.

We'd personally love it if Falcon rebelled and wrote br00tal death metal songs about his parents, with lyrics culled from the Cannibal Corpse catalog or school of though. That'd teach 'em not to use their kid as to pull off ridiculous stunts.

Watch 'Candy Cane' Video

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