Alestorm's new album 'Black Sails at Midnight' proudly celebrates things like pirates living their lives on the high seas. "It's another rip-roaring adventure through piracy, plunder and awesome solo duels," keyboardist/vocalist Christopher Bowes told Noisecreep. "If you like alcohol, or pirates, or music, or awesome things, you're bound to love this album. It's got everything a growing boy could ever need: fast songs, slow songs, and something in between. There's even a song about crocodiles. And who doesn't love crocodiles?"

While rich women adore crocs for how their exotic skins can be transformed into expensive accessories like handbags, belts, wallets and shoes, the Scottish band, formerly known as Battleheart, also loves a pint of robust and delicious ale. But when we asked them to espouse on their favorite alcoholic beverages, they took us more figuratively than literally. Without further adieu, we present Alestorm's top five ales!

1. Christian Bale. "A fantastic actor starring in the most legendary superhero films of all time. What a guy!"

2. The January Sales. "A great time of the year to pick up some natty bargains. I've saved a pretty penny."

3. The Yorkshire Dales. "Some of the most beautiful scenery in the country. And they make good tea up there."

4. Bach's Chorales. "'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring' is a beast of a tune. That guy knew how to write massive inspiration."

5. Wales. "It's small. It's cold. It's wet and they speak a funny language. But at least they're not English!"

Bowes' favorite libations are actually cocktails. He said, "I freakin' love cocktails. Chop up a lime, put it in a glass with a spoon or two of brown sugar. Mash 'em up with a mashy thing, fill up the glass with crushed ice, then pour in a generous blob of Cachaça. Perfection in a glass!"

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