
Skinlab Still Stand Behind ‘Revolting Room’
Skinlab Still Stand Behind ‘Revolting Room’
Skinlab Still Stand Behind ‘Revolting Room’
In 2002, San Francisco groove metallers Skinlab released 'Revolting Room,' and the response wasn't good. Skinlab tried to go big, and theirs fans disparaged them, branding the architects of 1999's 'Disembody: The New Flesh' as nu metal sel ]\l outs...
White Noise: News on Alice In Chains, Mastodon, Cattle Decapitation, Them Crooked Vultures and More
White Noise: News on Alice In Chains, Mastodon, Cattle Decapitation, Them Crooked Vultures and More
White Noise: News on Alice In Chains, Mastodon, Cattle Decapitation, Them Crooked Vultures and More
In the news business, there are days when you're slammed ... where there's so much going on, you barely have time to fart. Then, there are other days where its deader than your Aunt Mary. Yesterday was slow ... really slow. Yet, somehow, today's White Noise is crammed with awesomeness...
White Noise: News on Behemoth, Led Zeppelin, In Flames, Kiss, Aerosmith and More
White Noise: News on Behemoth, Led Zeppelin, In Flames, Kiss, Aerosmith and More
White Noise: News on Behemoth, Led Zeppelin, In Flames, Kiss, Aerosmith and More
Man, did we have a busy weekend, as we're sure you did. On Saturday, we braved the L.I.E. traffic to head out to a poolside barbecue with the relatives. Luckily, this year, no one blacked out and fell in the pool. We also caught a baseball game, an epic fireworks display, and even managed to make it to the beach for a few hours...