Weeks after Damon Albarn announced that Gorillaz is likely done for, a new cartoon rock band has emerged to take their place. As Rolling Stone reports, Velvet Revolver guitarist Dave Kushner has joined forces with Dave Warren, creative director on "The Simpsons," to create PusherJones, an animated group that could spawn its own series...
If System of a Down are ever going to put to rest their 'indefinite hiatus' it's going to be far into the future, or at least not anytime soon. Well Scars on Broadway -- which feature System's guitarist Daron Malakian and drummer John Dolmayan -- have a new song, 'F--ing,' and it takes heavy queues from their namesake...
First, Chris Cornell breaks the news that Soundgarden, out of commission for 12 years, would finally be returning in 2010 to melt faces nationwide with a tour and maybe even new music. As if that wasn't shocking enough, now it's looking like System of a Down could be joining them, making this month a very good one for lovers of the hard rock