Max Cavalera on Learning English by Translating Metal LyricsMax Cavalera on Learning English by Translating Metal LyricsHe talked about how huge of an influence U2 were on him too.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
Cavalera Bros. Name Their Favorite Albums When They Were TeensCavalera Bros. Name Their Favorite Albums When They Were TeensSome of these may really surprise you!Loudwire NightsLoudwire Nights
10 Best Albums By Singers Who Left Big Rock + Metal Bands10 Best Albums By Singers Who Left Big Rock + Metal BandsBig band behind, big things ahead!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Cavalera Bros. Plot U.S. Tour Celebrating Two Sepultura AlbumsCavalera Bros. Plot U.S. Tour Celebrating Two Sepultura AlbumsThey'll relive 'Beneath the Remains' and 'Arise' onstage.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Rock Stars Celebrating Birthdays in AugustRock Stars Celebrating Birthdays in AugustBlow out the candles, all you rock stars celebrating birthdays in August.Chad ChildersChad ChildersAlicia SelinAlicia Selin
Dino Cazares Recalls the Metal Labels That Rejected Fear FactoryDino Cazares Recalls the Metal Labels That Rejected Fear FactoryBut that didn't stop his determination.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
Jason Isbell Raising Daughter on Max Cavelera-Era Sepultura Jason Isbell Raising Daughter on Max Cavelera-Era SepulturaHis revelation draws response from two other musicians you might not expect.Chad ChildersChad Childers
Max Cavalera - 'On Paper' Killer Be Killed Shouldn't WorkMax Cavalera - 'On Paper' Killer Be Killed Shouldn't WorkThe metal legend reflects on the latest album by Killer Be Killed.Full Metal JackieFull Metal Jackie
Max Cavalera + Son's New Death Metal Band Releases Brutal DebutMax Cavalera + Son's New Death Metal Band Releases Brutal DebutSounds like 1989 with a new attitude!Graham HartmannGraham Hartmann
Max Cavalera Details 'Rotten' + 'Broken' Sepultura RelationshipMax Cavalera Details 'Rotten' + 'Broken' Sepultura Relationship'It was just pure misery,' says Cavalera of his final tour with the group.Chad ChildersChad Childers