To most, Jef Whitehead is not a widely familiar name. In the black metal and tattooing community, however, Whitehead is well respected for his art and his solo work as Wrest in Leviathan, as well as his role in the black metal supergroup Twilight (which boasts involvement from members of Isis and Nachtmystium)...
Mutilation Rites not only boast some of the coldest, most evil riffs that New York City has to offer -- they're also fortunate to count one Michael Dimmitt amongst their ranks. Besides slinging the axe in Mutilation Rites and Rabia, and having been a part of Disassociate, he also works in film...
Earlier this year, Chicago-hailing extreme metallers Nachtmystium entered a recording studio to begin tracking the follow-up to 2008's 'Assassins: Black Meddle Part I' under the vigilant eyes of Minsk producer Sanford Parker. On June 8, Century Media will release that effort, called 'Addicts: Black Meddle Part II...
"I'm not sure if there is anything unifying the American black metal scene," Wolves in the Throne Room guitarist/vocalist Nathan Weaver told Noisecreep. While USBM -- U.S. black metal, if you really need to have it spelled out -- has been gaining more and more attention lately, Wolves in the Throne Room are one of the bands at the center of the attention, even if they don't want to be..
Chicago's finest (some might even say America's finest) black metallers, Nachtmystium, recently entered Semaphore Recording Studio to record 'Addicts: Black Meddle Pt. 2,' the follow-up to 2008's 'Assassins: Black Meddle Pt. 1.' Noisecreep caught up with engineer Sanford Parker (Pelican, Samothrace, Unearthly Trance) to get the inside scoop...
Joe's Pub in New York, N.Y. was occupied with its regular seated dinner crowd Wednesday evening. It was a night for those interested in literature and culture. An indie band named Buke and Gass performed on their handmade instruments before several authors shared their work...