Gorguts were the victims of a heavy-handed vandal who punched out one of the window's on the band's tour bus with a single blow and all was caught on video.
Former Gorguts and Negativa guitarist "Big" Steeve Hurdle has passed away at the age of 41.
The Canadian guitarist died on May 20 after complications from surgery, according to the Cooprative Funeraire de L'Estrie in Quebec and Metal Insider...
MDF Day One
The annual Maryland Deathfest takes place in Baltimore. It's like spring break for extreme metalheads, who travel from all over the world to watch underground bands for three days straight. The loud party started with grinders the Communion, Putrescence and Defeatist...
Maryland Deathfest performers Watain and Pentagram have contributed songs to a free digital extreme metal compilation that will be distributed at the event by Metalhit.com. Other artists on the collection are Revocation, the Crinn, Wormrot, Graves of Valor, Hail of Bullets, Nominon, Cardiac Arrest, Sectioned, Diabolic, Colonize the Rotting, Aldaaron, Sacrilegious Impalement, Vulvectomy and Othrus.
It's no secret that CKY frontman Deron Miller is a longtime, diehard death metal fan. He used to pen impassioned letters to Roadrunner A&R guru Monte Conner, regarding the label's death metal acts, which were printed in Metal Maniacs. While CKY certainly aren't outwardly influenced by Miller's personal faves, the singer is tapping into those deadly roots with his side project, World Under Bloo