
Powerviolence: An Extremely Angry 200+ Song Playlist
Powerviolence: An Extremely Angry 200+ Song Playlist
Powerviolence: An Extremely Angry 200+ Song Playlist
Metal and hardcore spent the 1990s bouncing around between glory days and rock bottom. Miles apart from high-maintenance death metal gods and pop punk pariahs, the resolutely distrustful and scornful DIY movement called powerviolence remains a relic and a curiosity of that decade...
The Power of the Riff Founder Greg Anderson on the Festival’s History
The Power of the Riff Founder Greg Anderson on the Festival’s History
The Power of the Riff Founder Greg Anderson on the Festival’s History
Greg Anderson knows how to throw a festival. He also knows how to fuck up your hearing while setting the (often slow) tempo for metal's sounds to come. "I always thought putting labels on bands was really cheap and somewhat belittling," Anderson waxes enthusiastically from the office of his record label, Southern Lord...