
Ex-Bury Your Dead Guitarist Eric Ellis Sentenced to 20 Years in Federal Prison
Ex-Bury Your Dead Guitarist Eric Ellis Sentenced to 20 Years in Federal Prison
Ex-Bury Your Dead Guitarist Eric Ellis Sentenced to 20 Years in Federal Prison
Ex-Bury Your Dead guitarist Eric Ellis, who was working behind-the-scenes as a producer when we spoke with him back in 2009, was sentenced to 20 years in a federal prison. He is headed to jail (for a long time) due to gang activity, which is incredibly ironic, since he himself was targeted as the random victim in a gang initiation in Wisconsin while on tour with BYD...
Hard Rock and Metal Releases – August 2011
Hard Rock and Metal Releases – August 2011
Hard Rock and Metal Releases – August 2011
Summer is beginning to give up her fight, to borrow a lyrical phrase from the decidedly un-metal Indigo Girls, but that doesn't stop her from pushing out a slate of worthwhile metal releases. The first week of the year marks the return of Bury Your Dead with their former singer Mat Bruso for 'Mosh N' Roll...
Bury Your Dead Remain Undeterred by Constant Membership Changes
Bury Your Dead Remain Undeterred by Constant Membership Changes
Bury Your Dead Remain Undeterred by Constant Membership Changes
Earlier this week, Noisecreep premiered 'Bluebeard,' a new track from Bury Your Dead's forthcoming 'Mosh N' Roll' album. BYD have endured a break up and revolving door membership through the years, which has seen a string of singers walk in and out of both the recording booth door and tour bus door; longtime singer Mat Bruso has returned to the fold for the new album...
Bury Your Dead Reunite with Mat Bruso on ‘Bluebeard’ — Song Premiere
Bury Your Dead Reunite with Mat Bruso on ‘Bluebeard’ — Song Premiere
Bury Your Dead Reunite with Mat Bruso on ‘Bluebeard’ — Song Premiere
What's old is new again for Bury Your Dead on their bloodletting new album 'Mosh N' Roll.' The metallers have once again partnered with former singer Mat Bruso, who left the band in 2007. Noisecreep has the exclusive premiere of 'Bluebeard,' the brand new song from 'Mosh & Roll,' so strap yourself in and brace for impact if you like thunderous bass and breakdowns that will make the plasma rac
Former Bury Your Dead Bassist Joins Legend
Former Bury Your Dead bassist Aaron 'Bubble' Patrick has a new gig playing bass for Michigan's Legend. Bubble joins the band as its second guitarist, reports the band -- who just wrapped the recording of their Rise Records debut, 'Valediction,' which is scheduled to drop May 25...

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