No drama here, kids! Underoath have parted ways with their longtime drummer Aaron Gillespie, who has sat behind the kit for the Christian metalcore behemoths since 1997! In a statement released by the band, the split was indeed an amicable one and Gillespie is currently finishing out the band's current European tour. The band even consulted God on the decision, which isn't surprising, given their vocal ministry band status!

The statement reads as follows: "We are taking this opportunity to sadly inform you the six of us have decided at the end of the current European tour, Aaron will no longer be playing in Underoath. This was not a decision made in haste but a thought out and prayed upon group agreement. It in no way affects any of the shows left on this tour. They will still be our best efforts and enjoyable experiences for all. For the future, Aaron will be pursuing other musical and ministry endeavors. As for the rest of us we will continue to work hard on the new Underoath record. We appreciate the love and support from everyone in the past and hope that all of us will continue to receive your support on our future paths."

Best of luck to Gillespie in his future musical and ministerial pursuits -- and to Underoath in the task of replacing him.

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