SevendustIt was five against one in the best possible way in this edition of the ''Creep Show,' where all five Southern boys in Sevendust descended upon our studio to discuss a whole mess of topics, including their recently released new album, 'Cold Day Memory,' the return of prodigal son, guitarist Clint Lowery, the family nature of this band of five Georgia boys done good, their upcoming appearance on Carnival of Madness tour and the band's resilience as they've navigated the murky waters of the music business with their Southern charm, manners and ability to rock with equal parts groove and soul fully intact.

For the band, Lowery's return was a smooth one, even though he did compare it to getting an STD test. The guitarist himself admitted that he tried playing with "other knuckleheads," but "this group of knuckleheads" is the one he prefers to play with. The band wasn't shy about revealing how the reconnection with Lowery came about and how they returned to the same warehouse where they recorded their first album.


Singer Lajon Witherspoon -- friends and family call him L.J. -- explained how Southern hospitality works, and the band also dissected Southern accents and how New Jersey metal radio institution WSOU was the first station in the country to ever play Sevendust back in the proverbial day.

This has to be one of the most fun ''Creep Show' interviews in the archives, so stop reading and watch.

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