She Has a Fashion Vice

Reno, Nev. band She Has a Fashion Vice, who sound a bit like Every Time I Die with a dash of As I Lay Dying, have one of the most clever, wink-wink, nudge-nudge names in music -- and they just signed a deal with Static Age Records. The band will release their debut, 'Stop Talking, Start Sweating' on Aug. 31.

Despite being together only since 2008, the band has endured ups and downs, but nothing stops them from their singular goal of rocking the hell out. They are so dedicated to their band that they've been hardened by four-hour rehearsals on bitterly frigid nights in a cement room! They battled back from the loss of their tour van and trailer to another business endeavor of its owner, which is a setback that could cripple an up and coming band.

"Indeed, losing our van and trailer so last minute was definitely a wrench in the spokes," vocalist Nathaniel Garrison told Noisecreep. "It's a van used for events such as Burning Man, which the owner of the van is very involved in. Thus, pulling the plug on our van for months out of the year. Thankfully, we were able to make a quick recovery." The band pooled together merch and show revenue along with personal cash to purchase "a bigger, better van than what we were using before," since, as Garrison said, SHAFV are driven by "the dream of a life on the road sharing music with new people every day."

Garrison said that the constant flow of communication was what helped the band rebound so quickly, and that's something they recommend for other young bands who face similar vehicular issues. He said, "If your band has such a loss, search Craigslist, eBay and online for sale sites. Also search in cities around yours, not just the one you are based in. Lastly, know or have someone in the band who is car savvy. The last thing you want to do is buy a van in bad shape, and break down in Tonapah, Nev. For you Nevadans out there, you know exactly how frightening that thought is!"

SHAFV certainly make a bit of a social comment with their band moniker, given that T-shirts and other assorted gear fly off the merch table faster than the actual CDs do; everyone is so concerned with image and how they look. "Though the name is channeled around fashion, it is actually a challenge to those with any sort of 'vice' they have," Garrison said. "Such as dressing, looking or acting a certain way to fit in. The desire and need to fit the social norms our society has established for the sake of impressing others is a lifestyle we are looking to break free of. We want people to be comfortable in their own skin and to stand strong wearing it!"

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