Owen Hart's 'The Letter' is two minutes of gnarly, post-hardcore noise. It's all fists and fury; sort of like the late Canadian professional wrestler from which the borrow their name. Hart fell to his death while performing a stunt during a 1999 pay-per-view event. But this particular song comes from a place normally reserved for the deepest recesses of therapy, and we find it courageous that Owen Hart vocalist Timm Trust was able to go into a very dark place and lay the cards face up on the table.

This track is a pure case of music as therapy, and that's just another reason why Noisecreep is beyond stoked to premiere 'The Letter,' which appears on the upcoming 'Earth Control.'

Listen to 'The Letter'

"It is interesting how the truth may exist, but be just out of reach," vocalist Timm Trust told Noisecreep. "Or rather, the moment hasn't quite arrived when its greatest impact is felt. As children, we believe in things like Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy, and the loss of belief in such things signals the end of our childhood. Other truths hide a much darker and sinister representation of the world, and these truths do not care about the seemingly natural progression from childhood into adulthood."

The truths that Trust speaks of are difficult and incredibly personal, and perhaps that's why the song feels fueled by irrepressible emotional firepower. Painful, reprehensible experiences directly inspired the song.

Trust continued, "For me, it was the truth that every single member of my immediate family is the victim and survivor of rape. The truth that my 6-year-old brother, while trying to ward off assailants and protect my 5-year-old sister, was raped and abused sexually while in foster care. The truth, that my father as a child, while also in foster care, was raped and abused sexually. The truth that my mother was abducted -- taken hostage and driven 1,300 miles from her home, beaten nearly to death and managing to escape, all the while being raped and sexually assaulted along the way. The truth that my wife was sexually abused by her step-father, then raped by a close friend, and then almost again by a complete stranger.

"All these truths came to me at a pivotal point in my life. An eight-page letter written by my wife -- her first utterance of the unspeakable things in her life -- gave me strength to tell the plight of not only her and my family, but of all the victims and survivors of rape and sexual assault. The song 'The Letter' is dedicated to the strength of those who are survivors, to the courage of those who advocate for change, and to the compassion of those able to be in a supportive role for those touched by violence."

'Earth Control' is out Jan. 18.

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