As one can tell from a glance at Outbreak's newest self-titled offering, on Think Fast!/Trustkill Records, Ryan Eyestone is a great artist. But you might not discern that from his modesty.

"I feel like Outbreak has always had a rich history of working with important artists in the punk and hardcore community," Eyestone told Noisecreep. "Like Mike Bukowski, Florian and Sam V. It was an honor to be asked to join such an epic roster, as I still consider myself to be pretty 'under the radar'."

The cover art is a mish-mash of colorful images with nary a smidgeon of white space to be seen, and like all great collage-like artwork, there's meaning behind the chaotic splatter of colors. Eyestone elaborates on the theme of the art: "Ryan from the band brought a ton of issues to the table that he wanted represented on the cover -- religious conflict, futile politics, over-medicated youth, media, humanity's downfall -- so I did the best I could to make a big colorful explosion and still address everything that this album deals with. I stepped out of my safety zone with the coloring for this piece, and tried some new techniques in an effort to really make things pop," Eyestone said.

Outbreak will be touring the U.S. into early December with Soul Control in support of the new release.

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