When Noisecreep caught up with Kopek vocalist Dan Jordan, the band was driving to its next gig. It's a routine that the band is happily getting used to. Their debut album, 'White Collar Lies,' is out and now the Irish trio is winning over fans the old-fashioned way: touring, touring, and more touring.

"We already feel at home here," Jordan told Noisecreep. "The shows have been mind-blowing, and the audiences are already familiar with the songs because they've heard [them] on the radio." Their single, 'Cocaine Chest Pains,' mixes raw riffs with hard-hitting melodies that linger long after the last note fades.Jordan, a former sports buff who's recently become more fond of reading, said that the band's native country isn't exactly a rock mecca, with Top 40 and pop bands getting more attention. However, because touring is what will ultimately make or break Kopek in the US, they plan to tough it out and aim to stay on tour for the next year.

"[The US] is where we always wanted to come while growing up," Jordan admitted. The band is now semi-nomadic, spending most of their time in their tour vehicle, but will be based in Nashville when not on the road. It seems as though Music City, USA, is a wise choice: it's affordable, in the middle of the country, and close to their management. "I've been told it's great, but I guess I'll find out when I get there," Jordan joked.

The one thing that Jordan says Kopek consider an absolute essential while touring? "Water," Jordan answered without hesitation. "Lots of water."

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