Dream Theater keyboard hero Jordan Rudess just never seems to stop thinking of ways to evolve and advance the marriage of music and technology, and he does it in way that allows both musicians and non-musicians to enjoy the relationship.

Case in point, his new app, SpaceWiz (part of his popular MorphWiz line of apps) which is being release TODAY. As Rudess told Noisecreep recently, with SpaceWiz he envisioned an interplanetary experience whereby music would be created by the collision and orbits or various planets in space, creating a soothing and beautiful background that's as much about stress reduction as it is about eye and ear candy.

But this is Jordan Rudess we're talking about, so there are also mega opportunities for musicians and like-minded tech junkies to get more involved in the process and creation of sound.

In Noisecreep's exclusive video interview with Jordan, he provides a mini-tutorial and then even plays a bit for us, backstage before a recent Dream Theater show. We'll keep you posted on the upcoming release date, but in he meantime, sit back and enjoy this escape with one of music's true Renaissance men.

Watch Jordan Rudess Demo His SpaceWiz App

For more information on the SpaceWiz app, head over to WizdomMusic.com.

Dream Theater South American tour dates:


10 - San Salvdor, El Salvador - Anfiteatro CIFCO

12 - San Jose, Costa Rica - Palacio de los Deportes

15 - Bogota, Colombia - Palacio de los Deportes

17 - Cordoba, Argentina - La Usina

19 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Luna Park

20 - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Luna Park

22 - Santiago, Chile - Espacio Riesco

24 - Porto Alegre, Brazil - Pepsi on Stage

26 - Sao Paulo, Brazil - Credicard Hall

29 - Belo Horizonte, Brazil - Chevrolet Hall

30 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Citibank Hall


1 - Brasilia, Brazil - Ulysses Guimaraes

Chris Epting
Chris Epting

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