It's the dream of every metalhead parent to raise metalhead kids, and to that end, the company Twinkle Twinkle Little Rock Star has has released 'Lullaby Versions of Iron Maiden,' an album that -- as the title suggests -- renders soft and soothing such tunes as 'The Number of the Beast' and 'Fear of the Dark.'

The Maiden collection follows similar Twinkle Twinkle recordings based on the music of Metallica and Motley Crue -- as well as a host of non-metal rock and pop acts -- and according to the company, the music "fills a vacant musical niche."

"There are other lines of pop music lullabies but we decided to take the approach of being high end musically rather than simply doing these as a novelty," the label says. "After all, just because the music is for a baby it doesn't have to sound unsophisticated."


Sleepy tykes are sure to appreciate the musical subtlety of 'Can I Play With Madness,' 'Seventh Son of a Seventh Son' and, appropriately enough, '2 Minutes to Midnight.' Eddie the Head plush dolls sold separately.

Watch Iron Maiden's '2 Minutes to Midnight' Video

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