HatebreedIt has been a dozen years since Hatebreed unleashed their first -- and arguably, best -- full-length blast, which was 1997's 'Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire,' on the metal world. The album was 30 minutes of unbridled moshy goodness, with simple riffs and impassioned and empowering lyrical declarations.

Vocalist and scene presence Jamey Jasta is still humbled by the experience, told Noisecreep, "Every day, when my feet hit the ground, whether I am getting out of bed or rolling out of my bunk, I am grateful and humbled. I remember two or three years into the touring we did on 'Satisfaction' and not having enough money to even get a Motel 6, so we were sleeping on top of gear in the van."

Things didn't stay that embattled for the up and coming band, as Hatebreed's star continued to rise! "I had my daughter, and then 'Perseverance' exploded around the world, and it was life-changing. Since then, it has been success after success. I am proud of everything the band has done. It seems like it was just yesterday."

Jasta does admit that time has certainly flown for him, especially being a doting dad. "Having a child is like a living hourglass, always showing you how fast time flies and reminding you that you have to make the best of it while you have it," he mused.

Hatebreed's most recent, self-titled release is out now via E1 Music.

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