GWAR have announced their replacement guitarist for the late Flattus Maximus. It is –drumroll, please- Pustulus Maximus. Pustulus is a long-lost cousin of Flattus, so GWAR are keeping things all in the family with this new addition.

Pustulus offered his first words to the press with the following statement: "At this point, I have nothing to say to the press, even though I am talking to you. I will let my guitar speak for itself. But let me add that I am blood-sworn to honor the legacy of the great Flattus and indeed the whole Maximus tribe. I didn't come here to fuck around. HAIL FLATTUS!"

GWAR leader Oderus Urungus weighed in, belching out this comment: "Naturally we were devastated by the passing of Flattus. But we turned that grief into rage and set about the task of finding a new guitar player. The first thing we did was sound the mighty Horn of Hate, and alert all Scumdogs, scattered across the galaxy as they are, as to what had occurred. What people didn't know about Flattus was that was is part of a huge tribe of brutish warriors, The Maximus Clan. They are at the core of any Scumdog Legion worth its blood! Planet Maximus is just crawling with them!"

Little else is known about this being known as Pustulus, other than that he has a skin condition where his face and feet are covered in painful pustules. He is also rumored to be half-deaf, which leads him to yell at everyone, which he does often, because he is convinced everyone in the band is ignoring him when actually he just can't hear what they are saying.

He will join the band on its fall tour. [Via Press Release]

Watch GWAR's 'Sadam a Go Go' Video

Machine Head are one of the most devastating live bands on the metal scene, known for routinely shaking the bedrock and foundations of the venues they play. In honor of its live prowess, the Nor Cal band will release Machine F**king Head Live on Nov. 13. It's Machine Head's second live effort; Hellalive was released in 2003. Nine years have passed and Machine Head still slay and administer a beating in the live realm.

"The Head Cases have been so intense on this tour cycle that we had to start capturing the shows, especially with technology making it so much easier to record," said frontman Robb Flynn. "We culled some of the best nights where the band and crowd were on fire and made a bad ass, nearly two-hour, double live album, which is a great documentation of where the band is at 18 years deep."

Machine F**king Head Live Track Listing:

'I Am Hell (Sonata in C#)'

'Be Still and Know'


'Beautiful Mourning'

'The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears'


'This Is the End'

'Aesthetics of Hate'


'Darkness Within'


'Ten Ton Hammer'

'Who We Are'



[Via Press Release]

Encrust have released the lyric video for "Engine of Deceit." It's black and white, and trippy, while the muscular, meaty and crustacular music will get your juices flowing.

Watch 'Engine of Deceit' Lyric Video

Hidden tracks were the gems of the CD era. Sometimes they came tucked deep within an album, long after the final note of the final track faded. Others asserted themselves immediately after the final song. Whatever the case, the hidden track is/was a fun find. Check out this roundup of some of the best hidden metal tracks from the likes of Tool, Alice in Chains and more. Perhaps you may unearth one you didn't previously know about. [Loudwire]

Animals as Leaders guitarist Javier Reyes has signed to Sumerian Records as a solo artist for his Mestis project, which is all instrumental. His debut EP, Basal Ganglia, is a five-track offering that will land on November 27.

Reyes stated, "Basal Ganglia is an EP that come from several places, and by places, I mean influences. I've always wanted to create a style of music that focused on being emotionally exploitive and technically sound, yet simple enough for the average music listener to appreciate. Another influence was using the eight-string guitar in a form that is unconventional to the 'trends' or independent of characteristics that are found in music styles/genres that have popularized it. Another and important reason was to create a true form of my own independent voice as an artist. To create music that expressed my personality, upbringing, emotions and musical taste."

Watch 'Te Mato' Video

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