No one would have blamed Crown the Lost if they would have thrown the towel in after losing 3/5th of their lineup. But instead of letting the setback get in the way of their work, the Pittsburgh group recruited new blood into their ranks and refocused their attack. 'Cold Pestilent Hope,' their upcoming third album, is a melodic thrash gem that should help raise Crown the Lost's profile within our community.

"The album itself was the result of quite a bit of hard work and self-examination," Crown the Lost guitarist David E. Gehlke tells Noisecreep. "I think because we were so cognizant of where we needed to go as a band, it made 'Cold Pestilent Hope' all the more well-rounded, and hopefully, interesting. If anything, we really hit our stride with this one, which is supposed to happen to a band on its third album." Noisecreep got its hands on 'Eyes Without Sight,' one of the album's standout tracks. Check out the exclusive premiere of the song below the cut.

Listen to 'Eyes Without Sight' from Crown the Lost

Gehlke gave Noisecreep some insight into 'Eyes Without Sight':

"'Eyes Without Sight' is one of the more melodically-inclined songs on 'Cold Pestilent Hope,' although one could make the argument all of our songs are as such. Either way, 'Eyes Without Sight' was one of the first songs we wrote for the album and it's one of my personal favorites. I'm especially keen on the opening riff, as well as Leon's [Mallah] choices in the chorus. It encompasses a lot of the things that have come to define our sound, but at the same time it's more refined and more accessible, something we tried to accomplish throughout the creation of the new album.

'Cold Pestilent Hope' will be out on July 19th via Gas Can Music.

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